VR Nevada
application Step 1 results

We appreciate your interest in VR Nevada services. However, we might not be the right fit for your needs.

If you are a person who is blind or visually impaired, and need assistance in completing the application process, please call 775-823-8143 or email bsbvinvhelp@detr.nv.govopens a new window

Additional Resources

You may not be seeking services from the correct agency. Below are some additional resources that may be a better fit for you:

EmployNV opens a new window is Nevada’s largest job listing website. They have professionals and resources that can help you get a job.

If you believe you are too disabled to work you may be interested in Social Security Disability through the Bureau of Disability Adjudication opens a new window

If you truly believe that you are in the right place, you can still continue to step 2 of the application.

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