Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired
A variety of services for eligible individuals

The Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired (BSBVI) provides a variety of services to eligible individuals, whose vision is not correctable by general eye care.
The Bureau helps individuals with vision disabilities make decisions about their future employment through evaluation and testing tailored to the participant’s needs. The program also offers counseling and training to help individuals learn to maneuver safely with confidence.
Other services may include:
- Assistance with job seeking.
- Assistive technology tools.
- Assistance with job site modification.
- Transition services for high school students.
- Independent living program for persons over 55.
For those unable to work, the Bureau helps them with home management and daily living skills, mobility training, communications skills, low vision exams and aids and other services.

If you need assistance in completing the Older Individuals Who are Blind application, please call 702-486-0277 or email opens a new window
Please note, individuals who are blind or visually impaired can use 555-55-5555 in the Social Security number field as a place holder and then share your real Social Security number with BSBVI staff at intake.
After you complete the Older Individuals Who Are Blind Application, you can email it to opens a new window
If you are seeking Vocational Rehabilitation for the blind and visually impaired apply below.

low vision clinic
As appropriate and as authorized by the Rehabilitation Counselor, the clinician will prescribe low vision aids, visual rehabilitation techniques, or specialized training to help improve visual functioning. Examples include, but are not limited to, adaptive equipment such as: Adaptive computer equipment, adaptive tools, low vision aids, mobility aids, custom lighting, closed circuit television systems, electronic reading systems, filters, independent living devices, large print, magnifiers, prescription eyewear, and special optical lenses.
These services are provided at no cost to eligible Vocational Rehabilitation/Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired/Older Blind clients.
If you or a loved one is interested in these services, please contact us at 702-486-0277opens a new window
Blindconnect, a Southern Nevada nonprofit established in 1998, has a mission to enhance opportunities for Nevadans affected by vision loss. Blindness is frightening. It is isolating. It is life-altering. But, the visually impaired don’t have to face those challenges alone. Visit Blindconnect.orgopens a new window to learn more.

nevada talking book services

Business Enterprises of Nevada (BEN)
The Bureau also offers a program for individuals interested in owning their own business, called the Business Enterprise of Nevada (BEN) program.
Federal and State laws provide a priority right for individuals who are legally blind to operate food, beverage, and vending in federal, state and local public buildings. After qualifying with the Nevada Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired, individuals receive training and on-the-job experience in managing and operating snack bars, cafeterias, vending machine routes and other businesses located in public buildings. Currently, there are sites throughout Nevada operated by licensed operators who are blind.
For more information about the BEN program, please contact one of our offices at:
Southern Nevada
Northern Nevada
Nevada Committee of Blind Vendors Meetings
Upcoming Meetings
Thursday, January 16, 2025 Agenda PDF opens a new window
Previous Meeting Minutes
communication access services (CAS)
Nevada’s Communication Access Programs opens a new window are funded by telephone users through a small monthly surcharge on phone lines in the state (NRS 427A.797). Funds are collected by the Public Utilities Commission and administered through ADSD.
community based services
The following services are available free of charge through our community partners:
- Telecommunications Equipment and Assistive Technology
- Access to Services
- Language Acquisition
relay Nevada
This service enables people with speech and hearing disabilities to use specialized telecommunications equipment to access the phone system. This service is provided by T-Mobile.
To use the Relay Nevada Service, dial 7-1-1.
For more information visit Relay Nevada opens a new window
interpreter/CART website
ADSD is required by NRS 656A to maintain a registry of individuals engaged in the practice of interpreting and captioning. Nevada State Interpreter Registry opens a new window