Strategic Priorities Archive
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2024 Strategic Priorities
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | Implement Supervisory Leadership Training | 100 | - | MM & SC met with Kyle Walker (trainer) to discuss next round of supervisory training. Will do contract for after 7/1/24. |
2 | Implement YesLMS VR Staff Training | 100 | - | 1/16/24 Statewide Onboarding. YesLMS onboarding. Up and running, now live. |
3 | Create Recruitment Video | 100 | - | Voice-over is done, video is complete. |
4 | Increased Professional Development Opportunities for VR Staff | 100 | ongoing | 2 candidates going to CPM. Staff going to CSAVR, CBI, ADSD Conference and DHH/Conference. Training approval team established. |
5 | Develop Legislative Requests for 2025 Session | 100 | - | Based on input at 2023 Strategic Planning, requests have been submitted for the new Leg Sess. to add internal services to the agency and additional staff. |
Priority #2
Modernize and Innovate
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | DIF Grant Website | 75 | - | Work has begun! 14+ site will go live for 3 school districts 4/1/25 |
2 | New Payment Card Program | 50 | - | System was submitted in Agency Budget Request to Legislaure. Funding secured and identified. We anticipate starting work 7/1/25 pending legislative approval. |
3 | Improve Vendor On-Boarding Process, Training and Collaboration | 80 | - | PO 1 was hired, process has been developed. Implementation in early 2025. Supports being rolled out. Examples ae monthly vendor support meetings. |
4 | Optimize Internal Communication Tools | 100 | - | System tools evaluated and we have determined we have the proper allocation for individuals who need said tools. |
5 | Implement a Vendor Portal to VR's Client Management System | 90 | - | Next step, roll out, staff & vendor training. |
6 | Implement a Consumer Portal to VR's Client Management System | 90 | - | Next step, roll out, staff & vendor training. |
Priority #3
Improving Client Experience
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | Implementing Disability Benefits (DB) 101 | 50 | - | Vendor contract approved by BOE, vendor will begin development 1/1/25 18 months to roll out. |
2 | Reduce the average number of days to eligibility determination | 60 | New referral form in use. Desk Guide revisions are done. Will be implementing new guidelines for age of medical records for eligibility-roll out in 1/25. | |
3 | Develop & Implement Parent Academy for Families of Transition Age Students and Youth | 100 | - | Developed and being delivered and recorded now for posting on VRNevada and other sites. |
4 | Reenergize efforts to create service delivery options for Customized Employment Services | 100 | - | In Phase II. Crystal Hence has done staff training, implementation ongoing. |
5 | Counselor outreach assignments | 100 | North is encouraging all counselors to identify or be assigned an outreach population to pursue. South has not yet implemented. Progress has been delayed due to influx of new applications. |
Priority #4
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | Expansion of Employer Recognition Initiative to highlight Disability Inclusive Businesses | 100 | - | Ongoing and successful. |
2 | Meet and Exceed Federally Negotiated Performance Measures | 100 | - | Have exceeded all performance measure expectations! |
3 | Explore New Software Reporting Platforms | 100 | - | We are now using Power BI instead of Tableau and reports are being developed. |
4 | Improve education of potential clients and partners on the VR process | 100 | - | Will reinstitute use of in person orientation. New orientation video is live in English and Spanish and ASL on VR Nevada. |
5 | Develop Summarized IPE Plan template | 100 | - | New template is done and rolled out |
Priority #5
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | Meet 15% Reserve Spending Requirement | 100 | - | DONE! |
2 | Improved Utilization and Documentation of Pre-Employment Tools (PAES, VJS, Virtual Reality Goggles, iAchieve, Project Search & others) | 80 | - | Pre-Employment team is sharing info about new tools with schools. |
3 | Grow Potentially Eligible Students Served by 50% | 100 | - | new initiatives are creating great impact. # of potentially eligible students has grown by 84%. |
4 | Increase Supporting Documentation of Pre-Employment Services | 75 | - | TCs are entering Actual Services, doing their own data entry, increased accountability and documentation. RC's to start adding their own Actual Services. |
5 | Continued Expansion of PAES labs (10-20) & Other Pre-EmploymentTools | 100 | - | PAES is expanding. 10 new labs purchased. |
6 | Develop & Implement Pre-Employment Logic Model | 100 | - | Model is done. |
7 | Expand Pre-Employment Camp Offerings | 100 | - | Camps across the state. New camps in south. Continuing with DHH and BVI camp. |
2023 Strategic Priorities
Priority #1
Rebuild DETR Staff
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | Develop VR Specific Leadership Training | 100 | - | -Two training platforms are being considered, LEADVR and YESLMS. Will be having product demos and choice will be made. Will be for DM's and leadership. YESLMS has been chosen and the contract is approved. |
2 | Implementing New Recruitment & Retention Strategies | 100 | - | -Governor giving quarterly retention bonuses, VR offering accelerated steps whenever possible for new hires and link on to NVApps to encourage visitors to VRNevada to apply for VR Jobs. |
3 | Creating New Recruitment Tools | 75 | - | DP Video working on new recruitment video for VR Nevada and QR code to VRNevada is shared out widely to encourage recruitment. Filming is done, we are in production. |
4 | Career Development & Resources for Existing Staff | 100 | - | -VR jobs crosswalk created, training resources being improved and staff encouraged to promote up whenever possible. |
5 | Organize In-Service Conference for all VR staff | 100 | September 7&8 2023 | 2 days in Reno for all staff at Grand Sierra Resort, CEU's and resources for all staff. Speakers are confirmed, travel arrangements are starting. DONE! |
Priority #2
Modernize and Innovate
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | Re-imagining Employer Engagement Team | 100 | - | -EE Team working closer with all VR program teams. Have held meetings with 85% of all RC's to discuss needs and processes. Also meeting ith all program units, at conclusion Ken will synthesize all information and create a plan and present to Administration for new implementation. Report done and to Administration. |
2 | Re-thinking Traditional Roles | 75 | - | -Rethinking program structure of VR. Considering different approaches to the way we do our work and getting input from other states for best practice. Admin. is going to visit CA DOR 10/16 & 17 |
3 | Increasing Visibility of VR | 85 | ongoing | new VR Nevada website went live in January 2023 with constant updates for improving accessability and meeting internal and external user needs. Ongoing work with DETR PIO on press releases, creating new videos and content for social media as well as our own VRNevada social media sites. New sign on Westbay bldg. and soon on Corporate. |
4 | Employer Recognition Initiative | 100 | ongoing | Awards have been designed, employers are being considered and awards ceremony will be held during closing of 2023 In-Service. |
Priority #3
Client Centered design
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | Optimizing Client Communication | 75 | ongoing | Admin is planning 2 Town Hall meetings that will be in person and virtual/statewide to get feedback from the public to inform Admin decisions for VR. November 6th & 15th. |
2 | Implementing Legislative Gains | 100 | - | After Legislative Session ends, VR will implement any changes or updates. Budget has already been presented, no additonal presentations expected and VR budget has passed out of committee, just awaiting final approval. DONE |
3 | Streamlining VR Process to Personalize Client Needs | 100 | Spring 2023 | New DocuSign Power-Form being used to increase ease of VR application to a one step process. Have also added a Pre-Intake process where Rehab Techs contact the applicant prior to intake. We also have made updates to the Consumer Satisfaction Survey to get more meaningful feedback from clients about their perspective and needs. DONE |
4 | Client Centered System Enhancements | 60 | Spring/Summer 2024 | Admin is awaiting quotes from Alliance about the new client portal in AWARE to enhance client inclusion and communication. We will go forward for purchase once we get quotes. Work program done. |
Priority #4
Accountability & Transparency
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | Expand & Optimize Quality Assurance Team | 100 | - | QC team has a plan to audit all program units. First audit is the Pre-ETS team, then the OIB team in 3rd qtr. Results will be shared with Administration and the unit managers to inform continuous program improvement and accountability. Team is on 2nd unit audit. |
2 | Improve reporting platform and active utilization | 100 | - | Sheila has been running lots of reports for program and ops to help them monitor milestones. Sheila is creating Tableau workbooks to post timely updates to specific reports to share with Tableau license holders. Managers will share information with Sups. |
3 | Improved Engagement w/ Community Stakeholders | 100 | - | Implementation of Town Halls, developing application for Disability Innovation Grant funds in conjunction with NDOE/OIE and CIL's. Ongoing meetings with SILC, CIL's, Workforce Connections, and NDOE. GRANT WON! |
4 | Continued Transparency of VR Strategic Plan | 100 | ongoing | VR Strategic Plan will continue to be updated with current status, and prior year Strategic Plans will be archived on VRNevada. |
Priority #5
Improving Performance Outcomes & Ensuring Compliance
# | Strategy | % | Period | Progress Notes |
1 | LCB Audit Findings - Execute Implementation of Action Items | 90 | - | Ongoing implementation of action items from the audit. Report done. 4/8 recommendations are fully implemented. Additional 4/8 are partially implemented. |
2 | Expand & Increase Pre-ETS Services | 85 | ongoing | Pre-ETS team anticipates 4 new Transition Coordinator positions being converted from contractor to full State employees. Means more time and availability of staff. Pre-ETS team is expanding it's offerings, PAES Labs, SYIP, camps for D/HH, blind and in more areas. Positions are open for recruitment. |
3 | Improve Tracking & Reporting of VR services | 75 | - | We continue to have Data Integrity Days and data cleansing. Our efforts are improving our reporting accuracy. We are awaiting new reports from Alliance for AWARE. Sheila and Jill are producing many production reports for staff use and management. |
4 | Increasing MSGs, Credential Attainment Rate & Successful Outcomes | 90 | - | MSG and Credential goals for the year have already been met for the year and we still have one quarter to go. Successful employment goal not reached. Achieved 521. |
5 | Optimizing VR Fiscal Coding | 100 | ongoing | All coding changes needed are done. Brett has worked closely with FM. |
2022 Strategic Priorities
Priority #1
Rebuild DETR Staff
# | Strategy | % | Assigned to | Period | Progress Notes | Challenges |
1 | Strengthening recruitment efforts | 100% | Javier to delegate | 12/29/21-12/31/22 | All RC & Tech recruitments posted on and social media | |
2 | Supervisory leadership training academy | 0% | Mechelle & Sheena | 4/1/22-12/31/22 | Mechelle & Sheena will work with Dale & DM's to lead the training. Sheena will schedule a April. meeting to begin discussion. | |
3 | Mapping out career ladders | 100% | Regina | 5/1/22-12/31/22 | Regina to develop content then share with Mechelle to develop infographic. | |
4 | Mentoring program/buddy program | 60% | Mechelle & Sheena | 5/1/22-12/31/22 | RC3=mentor | |
5 | Expanding training opportunities with Dale as Coordinator with budget | 75% | Dale | 4/1/22-7/1/22 | Dale working with LVPita to develop classes. |
Priority #2
Modernize and Innovate
# | Strategy | % | Assigned to | Period | Progress Notes | Challenges |
1a | Redesign Business Services Team/outreach to business to include free services to business | 75% | Ken | 12/13/21-12/31/22 | VR Nevada being updated. Expo booth is done. Print Materials being reviewed. | |
1b | IJDT/Improving internal utilization by RC/remove silos | 50% | Sheena, IDJT & QA | 12/13/21-12/31/22 | Desk guide being developed to clarify roles and expectations | |
1c | BST/Engagement of Gov's Economic Devp team/Elisa to speak with GOED & Inc. VR | 20% | Drazen | 4/4/22- | Desk guide being developed to clarify roles and expectations | |
2 | Adapting Work Environment to Changing Market Labor/Client Needs | 100% | Drazen/Mechelle | 12/13/2021-12/31/22 | 4x10's, work from home, out of state all being implemented while still meeting client needs. | |
3 | Get DB 101/include in budget | 100% | Drazen/Brett | 2022 | TIN done, Director and GFO are in support, will be included in budget to FM and Governor. | next legislative session |
4 | Ask for more staff, internal job developers, transition coordinators | 100% | Drazen/Brett | 2022 | Asking for 2 IDJT & 3 Trans. Coord. in next session. Dir & GFO support. | next legislative session |
5 | Get loop system for Westbay and Corporate | 80% | Mechelle | 12/14/2021-12/31/22 | Installation at Westbay by September | finalizing contract for new handy-person |
Priority #5
compliance with federal regulations
# | Strategy | % | Assigned to | Period | Progress Notes | Challenges |
1 | Finalize Prior Approval procedure and implement | 100% | Brett | 12/29/21 | written & approved by RSA, will be submitted formally and staff trained. | |
2 | Address/readdress Single Audit findings | 100% | Brett & Drazen | 12/29/21 | done | |
3 | Monitoring of quarterly Pre-ETS expenditures | 100% | Brett & MA4 | 12/29/21 | 2nd qtr submitted and working with RSA | |
4 | Enforce the 8 pt. closure requirements of all cases | 100% | Supervisors | 12/29/21 | included in new WPS and included in Data Integrity Days |
Priority #3
Client Centered design
# | Strategy | % | Assigned to | Period | Progress Notes | Challenges |
1 | Redesign Pre-ETS program/service delivery | 100% | Marshal and Shay | 4/1/2022-12/31/22 | Shay has been hired and they are actively doing training with staff and vendors and job shadowing VR staff. | |
2 | Rewrite RC evals to emphasize MSG's/Quality vs Quantity | 100% | Mechelle & Sheena | 12/13/2021-6/30/22 | RC1, 2, 3 and supervisor WPS done | |
3 | Upskilling the IJDT inc. new WPS and procedures for referral | 50% | Tammy | 12/13/2021-6/30/22 | IJDT to receive job devp training from Corbin Redmund from Utah. | |
4 | Paying for quality placements | 100% | Mechelle | 12/13/2021-4/30/22 | MSA approved, Vendors have this in new agreements. | Bonus will be paid at employment |
5 | Streamlining P&P with client needs as the motivator for all | 100% | Faith | 12/12/2021-12/31/22 | Done. Roll out on 10/3 & 10/4 | NSRC approved in May |
Priority #4
Accountability & Transparency
# | Strategy | % | Assigned to | Period | Progress Notes | Challenges |
1 | Quarterly state of VR meetings with all staff (Fireside Chats) | 100% | Sheena | Ongoing | ||
2 | Supervisor taking more active role in case management and staff development.
| 100% | Mechelle & Sheena | 12/29/21-12/31/22 | In progress, will roll out with new WPS | |
3 | Establishing tools of positive reinforcement.
| 85% | Mat & Trina | ongoing | SWAG Committee established and active. Working next on employee of the month. | Meetings have begun |
4 | Improve reporting platform and active utilization.
| 50% | Sheila & Jeana | 12/29/21-12/31/22 | Solicitation closed, eval committee meets July 21. | |
5 | Monthly report out from staff attending commissions, councils & boards. Devp of agency platform for sharing | 10% | Need new steward of this task | ongoing | Had first meeting, need to plan monthly meetings |
Priority #5
compliance with federal regulations
# | Strategy | % | Assigned to | Period | Progress Notes | Challenges |
1 | Finalize Prior Approval procedure and implement | 100% | Brett | 12/29/21 | written & approved by RSA, will be submitted formally and staff trained. | |
2 | Address/readdress Single Audit findings | 100% | Brett & Drazen | 12/29/21 | done | |
3 | Monitoring of quarterly Pre-ETS expenditures | 100% | Brett & MA4 | 12/29/21 | 2nd qtr submitted and working with RSA | |
4 | Enforce the 8 pt. closure requirements of all cases | 100% | Supervisors | 12/29/21 | included in new WPS and included in Data Integrity Days |
Priority #6
improving visibility & enhanced branding
# | Strategy | % | Assigned to | Period | Progress Notes | Challenges |
1 | Clear logo with all versions used approved and on SharePoint | 100% | Mechelle | 12/1/22-3/31/22 | Done | |
2 | Clarify email signatures | 100% | Mechelle | 12/13/2021-3/31/22 | Done | Email signatures have been defined by Director Cafferata |
3 | Format PowerPoint theme/lobby logo and posters | 100% | Mechelle | 12/13/2021-6/30/22 | PowerPoint theme and lobby logo | PowerPoint theme done, lobby art done |
4 | Name badges/polo shirts/tv in lobbies | 100% | Mechelle | 12/13/2021-6/30/22 | Javier researching name badges. Reached out to Emire/Julie I. about TV's with video loops for lobbies and quote for polo shirts. | Name badges & shirts have been delivered to staff. TV's have been received. Installed at Corp. and Westbay soon. |
5 | Indoor/Outdoor signage for buildings | 75% | Mechelle | 12/13/2021-12/31/22 | Javier researching name badges. Reached out to Emire/Julie I. about TV's with video loops for lobbies and quote for polo shirts. | Interior signs in place at Westbay and Corp. Still working on exterior signs. |
Priority #7
improving performance indicators
# | Strategy | % | Assigned to | Period | Progress Notes | Challenges |
1 | Increasing MSG% | 100% | Mechelle & Sheena | 12/29/21-12/31/22 | In new WPS and reinforced at Data Integrity Days | |
2 | Data validation and staff accountability | 100% | Sheena | ongoing | ||
3 | Pay for higher quality closures | 100% | Mechelle | 12/13/2021-6/30/22 | SOW updated | Is in new MSA's approved by BOE |
4 | Data integrity days-no clients-no email | 100% | Sheena | done | First Data Integrity Day is 3/2/22 for all staff | implemented |