Town Hall Meetings

The latest news from VR

Flyer for townhall 

The State of Nevada, Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation will be
conducting town hall meetings to get input from the disability and
partner community to inform VR strategic planning for 2024.
Please come and share your ideas, comments or concerns.

NOVEMBER 6, 2023 at 10:30am
NOVEMBER 15, 2023 at 5:30pm

In Person:
1325 Corporate Blvd. in Reno
3016 West Charleston Ste 200 in Las Vegas
November 6th
Meeting ID: 828 3768 5697
Passcode: 023832

November 15th
Meeting ID: 845 3768 3590
Passcode: 532362

Two Town Hall meetings held by Vocational Rehabilitation Nevada in November 2023 provided a successful platform for collaboration and open dialog among VR Nevada administrators and community partners, clients, staff, and members of the public. The feedback and ideas received at the meeting will help VR Nevada shape its programs to further enhance the lives of people with disabilities. This summary (PDF) opens a new window outlines the topics discussed at the meeting as well as a list of stakeholder suggestions and recommendations.

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