Cynthia Hoff, who goes by Cyndee, has experienced recent vision loss causing her to step away from her successful career in public service. Without the knowledge of available assistive technology, she recalls that as soon as her vision began declining, she got confirmation of her vision loss from an ophthalmologist. She believed she had a career-ending disability, and her only options were to medically retire and then apply for social security.
Now Cyndee is successfully rehabilitating with Nevada Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired in partnership with Blindconnect to obtain the skills and confidence she needs to rejoin the workforce. She feels this process would have saved her the heartache of having to retire early. “If only employers knew that technologies and accommodations existed that I am learning today, they would not have had to let me go.” She continues her journey now with gratitude and optimism that she will be able to rejoin the workforce soon in doing what she enjoys.