Sinai applied for services on February 18, 2020. She was determined eligible for services on April 6, 2020 with a disability of Cerebral Palsy. Sinai wanted and needed to go to work to pay her bills and her rent. She was not eligible for SSI and was determined to find a job.
Because Sinai had never had a work experience or a job before. We decided together that she would participate in a Community Based Assessment (CBA). Her plan was written on June 8, 2020 with a vocational goal of retail salesperson. She participated in the UNR soft skills course and started working with Jenny, a Job Coach with Brian Recovery Assistants. Due to her disability we were not sure how much Sinai would be able to stand and if she would be able to handle such a physical job.
Sinai was placed at Once Upon A Child for her CBA. She did an excellent job and the employer really liked her work. She was able to stand and work the physical aspects of the job.
After the CBA she continued to work with her Job Coach to find a full-time job, receiving help with a resume, filling out applications and interview practice. Sinai accepted a job at Wal-Mart as a retail associate. This was not a good fit for her because it was very fast paced and demanding on her. She was moved into the bakery to see if this would work better for her. She likes working in the bakery. It is a little slower paced and not so demanding for Sinai, and she feels like she can keep up with the pace. Her case was closed successful on June 15, 2021. She is making $16.00 per hour and offered full benefits.