Tucker Benson was diagnosed with Wagner retinal dystrophy OU at age 14 and has been gradually losing his vision ever since. When he first came to the Nevada Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired (BSBVI) in August 2016, he shared with his counselor that despite his visual impairment, he had navigated the school system entirely on his own. Demonstrating remarkable determination, Tucker graduated from high school without any assistance from public agencies. BSBVI then assisted Tucker with career exploration and education, enabling him to complete his studies at Truckee Meadow Community College and graduate with an associate degree in English in December 2020. He later moved to Tennessee, seeking employment as a freelance writer.
Tucker has always been passionate about helping people with blindness and visual impairments. In September 2023, he returned to BSBVI for support in maintaining employment as an assistive technology instructor. Having moved back to Reno, Tucker shared that he had secured a position with Allied Instructional Services as an AT specialist. This third-party vendor serves public schools on the East Coast, and Tucker’s role involves working with primary schools to help students access assistive technology in the classroom. It is a remote position, and the company provides teachers of the visually impaired, orientation and mobility instructors, and assistive technology instructors to school districts.
Currently, Tucker’s left eye is completely blind with no light perception, while his right eye has less than 40% visual field with slightly increased acuity. He has no depth perception or night vision.
BSBVI promptly scheduled Tucker for an assistive technology evaluation and provided him with essential equipment to support his independence and productivity, including a phone, tablet, computer, and braille display. With these resources, Tucker has been able to maintain his employment, working successfully in his position for nearly two years.
In addition to his teaching, Tucker empowers and shares his positive attitude with students with disabilities. He actively participates in community service, serving as the liaison and trainer for the iCanConnect program, which aids individuals with both significant hearing and vision loss. He has also conducted presentations with counselors to educate students with blindness and visual impairments.
Tucker Benson’s journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of supportive services in achieving one’s goals.