Jessica Lawson applied for services from the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR) in December 2019. Jessica was a student in the Project Search Program at Mountain View Hospital. In early 2020, when COVID forced everyone to be home, Jessica found herself lost and confused about her future. COVID made it hard for Jessica and her BVR counselor to navigate through the BVR process. The nation was on lockdown and Jessica was losing hope of ever being employed. Her goal was to be employed after one year in the Project Search program; but then COVID hit.
Jessica exceeded expectations in her trainings and after completion was ready for competitive employment. But there were still challenges ahead of her based on her disability and she found herself losing her determination. Gradually, she found that she was getting a greater number of interviews in her chosen goal of Customer Service but was not getting job offers and so she began doubting herself again. In spite of this, Jessica was able to fight back, and with BVR’s support and services, she soon discovered that she could be employed. As time went on, she was getting encouraged and began believing in herself again. Jessica, the job developer and her BVR counselor worked hard and thankfully, after weeks and months of applications and interviews, Circus Circus let Jessica know that she was the right person for the job. Her patience and dedication led her to find employment at the Adventure Dome at Circus Circus.
Jessica’s challenge was primarily believing in herself. She has learned that she can accomplish anything she wants if she keeps working at it. Her confidence has increased and has led her to a successful employment outcome. Many times, Jessica mentioned she had lost hope of finding competitive employment. However, through her hard work, dedication, perseverance, determination, and the assistance of BVR, she continues to be employed at the Adventure Dome. She reports she is happy and is working where she belongs.