
The latest news and success stories from VR


Rehab Counselors Appreciation Day

Rehab Counselors Appreciation Day

In honor of National Rehabilitation Counselors Appreciation Day, we thank the amazing VR Nevada counselors who help hundreds of Nevadans with disabilities find jobs each year. We appreciate how hard you work on behalf of disability inclusion in the...

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VR Nevada Opens New Free Low Vision Clinic in Reno

VR Nevada Opens New Free Low Vision Clinic in Reno

CARSON CITY, NV – The Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR) Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired is opening its first low vision clinic in northern Nevada. The quarterly clinic will be held over a...

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Town Hall Meetings 2024

Town Hall Meetings 2024

Two Town Hall meetings held by Vocational Rehabilitation Nevada in October 2024 provided a successful platform for collaboration and open dialog among VR Nevada administrators and community partners, clients, staff, and members of the public. The...

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Success Stories

Dion Williams

Dion Williams

Dion Williams has overcome significant challenges to become a successful entrepreneur through the Business Enterprises of Nevada (BEN) program. Despite losing his vision gradually with age, his determination and resilience led him over this...

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Edgar Cañas

Edgar Cañas

Edgar applied for services from VR Nevada as a student with a disability as a high schooler. Through counseling and guidance, Edgar was encouraged to finish high school and work his way from a community college graduate all through his 4 year...

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Guillaume Zagol

Guillaume Zagol

Congratulations to Guillaume Zagol for reaching his 10 year work anniversary at the Guadalajara Mexican restaurant in Boulder Station! Guillaume was one of the first five participants in our Pathway to Work program at Boulder Station in 2014....

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Rebecca Larios

Rebecca Larios

Rebecca Larios was living with several seriously disabling conditions, including mental health as well as physical impairments. Rebecca came to the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation in December of 2019 and actively worked towards completing her...

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Mitchell Albrecht

Mitchell Albrecht

Mitchell Albrecht is an individual whose Vocational Rehabilitation journey began in 2013 when he was still a student at Wooster High School with no work history or understanding of what he would like to do for employment. Mitchell was diagnosed...

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Tucker Benson

Tucker Benson

Tucker Benson was diagnosed with Wagner retinal dystrophy OU at age 14 and has been gradually losing his vision ever since. When he first came to the Nevada Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired (BSBVI) in August 2016, he shared...

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