
Improving outcomes for students with disabilities

VR Nevada offers collaborative services to educators to support students with disabilities moving from school to work and independent life. Collaborations between our agency, educational partners, students and families helps boost positive post-school outcomes, including graduating high school, attending postsecondary training or education, gaining paid employment, and living independently.

We encourage counselors and teachers to include us in Individualized educational plan (IEP) meetings so that the services we offer may be integrated into students’ and parents’ post-school goals. To do so, contact our Statewide Pre-Employment Coordinator, at pre-ets@detr.nv.govopens a new window.

Our staff is available to give vocational rehabilitation-related presentations to middle and high-school classes.

VR Nevada works with educators and students at public, charter and private schools throughout Nevada.

Based on the student’s interests and preferences, our staff will create a Pre-Employment plan that includes the activities and services to help students develop the skills they need to succeed in employment and the community. Our vocational rehabilitation counselors are certified and trained to assist students in exploring different careers and jobs that best match their strengths, abilities, interests and the job market. We make regular visits to school campuses to conduct orientations for newly referred students, and to meet with those students who currently receive Pre-Employment services.

Our Pre-Employment services for students with disabilities include the following:

  • Collaboration with school district staff to assist in Pre-Employment planning.
  • Assessments to determine job-related skills and abilities.
  • Assistance with college or trade school orientation.
  • Assistive technology.
  • Career counseling and guidance, and job placement services.

Work-based learning opportunities for students to explore employment options.

Standarized Pre-Employment Curriculum

The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation employs a curriculum of lessons and activities to meet the needs of students with disabilities. A specific curriculum is designed for each student based on the needs and interests of each.

The curriculum fulfills the requirements of the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Actopens a new window for students with disabilities who are eligible or potentially eligible for vocational rehabilitation services. The five required topical areas of the curriculum are:

  • Job and career exploration
  • Work-based learning
  • Post-secondary training
  • Workplace readiness
  • Self-advocacy

Find your counselor

Select your school from the drop down to find your counselor and technician.

If you are seeking the counselor for a State Public Charter School not listed, please contact Mat Dorangricchia for the North & Rural and Trina Bourke for the South

Aimee Matts Rehab Technician II

Aimee Matts
Rehab Technician II

Alan Christensen Rehab Counselor III

Alan Christensen
Rehab Counselor III

Alison Greathouse Rehab Counselor III

Alison Greathouse
Rehab Counselor III

Amanda Hunt Rehab Technician II

Amanda Hunt
Rehab Technician II

Amber Mitchell Rehab Counselor III

Amber Mitchell
Rehab Counselor III

Anita Frantz Rehabilitation Counselor II

Anita Frantz
Rehabilitation Counselor II

Antonina Sanders Rehab Counselor III

Antonina Sanders
Rehab Counselor III

April Johnson Rehab Technician II

April Johnson
Rehab Technician II

Araceli Pyper Rehab Technician II

Araceli Pyper
Rehab Technician II

Araseli Jimenez Rehab Technician I

Araseli Jimenez
Rehab Technician I

Ashley Deloera Rehab Counselor II

Ashley Deloera
Rehab Counselor II

Bernadine Leblanc Rehab Counselor III

Bernadine Leblanc
Rehab Counselor III

Brian Adragna Rehab Counselor III

Brian Adragna
Rehab Counselor III

Carolyn Doan Rehab Counselor II

Carolyn Doan
Rehab Counselor II

Caron Isakson Rehab Technician II

Caron Isakson
Rehab Technician II

Cristina Kadir Rehabilitation Technician II

Cristina Kadir
Rehabilitation Technician II

Christina Tinker Rehab Counselor II

Christina Tinker
Rehab Counselor II

Corrie Herrera Rehab Technician II

Corrie Herrera
Rehab Technician II

Crystal Kamber Rehab Counselor II

Crystal Kamber
Rehab Counselor II

Cynthea Woodward Rehab Technician I

Cynthea Woodward
Rehab Technician I

Cynthia Pate Rehab Counselor III

Cynthia Pate
Rehab Counselor III

Darci Ingraham Rehab Technician II

Darci Ingraham
Rehab Technician II

Deborah Gentry Rehab Counselor II

Deborah Gentry
Rehab Counselor II

Doug Sinclair Rehab Counselor II

Doug Sinclair
Rehab Counselor II

Gabby Villalba Rehab Technician II

Gabby Villalba
Rehab Technician II

Holly TaborPre-Employment Coordinator

Holly Tabor
Pre-Employment Coordinator

Irene Franco Rehab Counselor III

Irene Franco
Rehab Counselor III

Jack Merrill (Jake) Rehab Counselor III

Jack Merrill (Jake)
Rehab Counselor III

Jamey Sweet Rehab Technician II

Jamey Sweet
Rehab Technician II

Jeffrey Feick Rehab Counselor II

Jeffrey Feick
Rehab Counselor II

Jenna Varshabi Rehab Counselor III

Jenna Varshabi
Rehab Counselor III

Jennifer E. Orellana Rehab Counselor II

Jennifer E. Orellana
Rehab Counselor II

Jerry Leach Rehab Counselor III

Jerry Leach
Rehab Counselor III

Karina Mandello Rehab Counselor III

Karina Mandello
Rehab Counselor III

Kelly Gonzales Rehab Technician II

Kelly Gonzales
Rehab Technician II

Krista Mack Rehab Counselor II

Krista Mack
Rehab Counselor II

Kristen Goertemiller Rehab Counselor II

Kristen Goertemiller
Rehab Counselor II

Kristina Forseth Rehab Technician II

Kristina Forseth
Rehab Technician II

Kymorey Montgomery Rehab Technician II

Kymorey Montgomery
Rehab Technician II

Kyle Vaughn Rehab Counselor II

Kyle Vaughn
Rehab Counselor II

Laura Breighner Rehab Technician II

Laura Breighner
Rehab Technician II

Laura “LT” Thompson Rehab Counselor III

Laura “LT” Thompson
Rehab Counselor III

Lillian Waters Rehab Technician II

Lillian Waters
Rehab Technician II

Madison Eppinger Rehab Technician II

Madison Eppinger
Rehab Technician II

Marcy Haime Rehab Technician II

Marcy Haime
Rehab Technician II

Margaret (Meg) Cassinelli Rehab Counselor II

Margaret (Meg) Cassinelli
Rehab Counselor II

Maria Socorro Cornejo Rehab Counselor I

Maria Socorro Cornejo
Rehab Counselor I

Martin Hernandez Rehab Technician II

Martin Hernandez
Rehab Technician II

Meghan Hammargren Rehab Technician II

Meghan Hammargren
Rehab Technician II

Michael Johnson Rehab Counselor I

Michael Johnson
Rehab Counselor I

Michelle Albrecht Rehab Technician II

Michelle Albrecht
Rehab Technician II

Miriam Ramirez Rehabilitation Counselor II

Miriam Ramirez
Rehabilitation Counselor II

Mixrain Solis Rehab Counselor III

Mixrain Solis
Rehab Counselor III

Paris Mason Rehab Counselor II

Paris Mason
Rehab Counselor II

Rachel Fraser  Rehab Counselor II

Rachel Fraser
Rehab Counselor II

Rachel Renaud Rehab Technician I

Rachel Renaud
Rehab Technician I

Salina Dorado Rehab Technician II

Salina Dorado
Rehab Technician II

Sandra Belardo-Rodriguez Rehab Counselor I

Sandra Belardo-Rodriguez
Rehab Counselor I

Schyler Cox Rehab Technician II

Schyler Cox
Rehab Technician II

Shannon Johnson Rehab Counselor II

Shannon Johnson
Rehab Counselor II

Stachia Estrellado Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

Stachia Estrellado
Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

Stephanie Franks Rehab Counselor III

Stephanie Franks
Rehab Counselor III

Surrey Abderrazik Rehab Counselor II

Surrey Abderrazik
Rehab Counselor II

Teresa Fansler Rehab Counselor II

Teresa Fansler
Rehab Counselor II

Terry McGinnis Rehab Technician II

Terry McGinnis
Rehab Technician II

Tina Marie Burke Rehab Technician II

Tina Marie Burke
Rehab Technician II

Tomas Cruz Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

Tomas Cruz
Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

Vivian Rosas Rehab Counselor II

Vivian Rosas
Rehab Counselor II

Wendell Myers Rehab Counselor III

Wendell Myers
Rehab Counselor III

Yanan (Nancy) Denninger Rehab Counselor III

Yanan (Nancy) Denninger
Rehab Counselor III

Jasmine Fisher Rehab Counselor II

Jasmine Fisher
Rehab Counselor II

Jessica Estores-Arroyo Rehab Technician II

Jessica Estores-Arroyo
Rehab Technician II

Sarah Dubois Rehab Counselor

Sarah Dubois
Rehab Counselor

Aimee Matts Rehab Technician II

Aimee Matts
Rehab Technician II

Alan Christensen Rehab Counselor III

Alan Christensen
Rehab Counselor III

Alison Greathouse Rehab Counselor III

Alison Greathouse
Rehab Counselor III

Amanda Hunt Rehab Technician II

Amanda Hunt
Rehab Technician II

Amber Mitchell Rehab Counselor III

Amber Mitchell
Rehab Counselor III

Anita Frantz Rehabilitation Counselor II

Anita Frantz
Rehabilitation Counselor II

Antonina Sanders Rehab Counselor III

Antonina Sanders
Rehab Counselor III

April Johnson Rehab Technician II

April Johnson
Rehab Technician II

Araceli Pyper Rehab Technician II

Araceli Pyper
Rehab Technician II

Araseli Jimenez Rehab Technician I

Araseli Jimenez
Rehab Technician I

Ashley Deloera Rehab Counselor II

Ashley Deloera
Rehab Counselor II

Bernadine Leblanc Rehab Counselor III

Bernadine Leblanc
Rehab Counselor III

Brian Adragna Rehab Counselor III

Brian Adragna
Rehab Counselor III

Carolyn Doan Rehab Counselor II

Carolyn Doan
Rehab Counselor II

Caron Isakson Rehab Technician II

Caron Isakson
Rehab Technician II

Cristina Kadir Rehabilitation Technician II

Cristina Kadir
Rehabilitation Technician II

Christina Tinker Rehab Counselor II

Christina Tinker
Rehab Counselor II

Corrie Herrera Rehab Technician II

Corrie Herrera
Rehab Technician II

Crystal Kamber Rehab Counselor II

Crystal Kamber
Rehab Counselor II

Cynthea Woodward Rehab Technician I

Cynthea Woodward
Rehab Technician I

Cynthia Pate Rehab Counselor III

Cynthia Pate
Rehab Counselor III

Darci Ingraham Rehab Technician II

Darci Ingraham
Rehab Technician II

Deborah Gentry Rehab Counselor II

Deborah Gentry
Rehab Counselor II

Doug Sinclair Rehab Counselor II

Doug Sinclair
Rehab Counselor II

Gabby Villalba Rehab Technician II

Gabby Villalba
Rehab Technician II

Holly TaborPre-Employment Coordinator

Holly Tabor
Pre-Employment Coordinator

Irene Franco Rehab Counselor III

Irene Franco
Rehab Counselor III

Jack Merrill (Jake) Rehab Counselor III

Jack Merrill (Jake)
Rehab Counselor III

Jamey Sweet Rehab Technician II

Jamey Sweet
Rehab Technician II

Jeffrey Feick Rehab Counselor II

Jeffrey Feick
Rehab Counselor II

Jenna Varshabi Rehab Counselor III

Jenna Varshabi
Rehab Counselor III

Jennifer E. Orellana Rehab Counselor II

Jennifer E. Orellana
Rehab Counselor II

Jerry Leach Rehab Counselor III

Jerry Leach
Rehab Counselor III

Karina Mandello Rehab Counselor III

Karina Mandello
Rehab Counselor III

Kelly Gonzales Rehab Technician II

Kelly Gonzales
Rehab Technician II

Krista Mack Rehab Counselor II

Krista Mack
Rehab Counselor II

Kristen Goertemiller Rehab Counselor II

Kristen Goertemiller
Rehab Counselor II

Kristina Forseth Rehab Technician II

Kristina Forseth
Rehab Technician II

Kymorey Montgomery Rehab Technician II

Kymorey Montgomery
Rehab Technician II

Kyle Vaughn Rehab Counselor II

Kyle Vaughn
Rehab Counselor II

Laura Breighner Rehab Technician II

Laura Breighner
Rehab Technician II

Laura “LT” Thompson Rehab Counselor III

Laura “LT” Thompson
Rehab Counselor III

Lillian Waters Rehab Technician II

Lillian Waters
Rehab Technician II

Madison Eppinger Rehab Technician II

Madison Eppinger
Rehab Technician II

Marcy Haime Rehab Technician II

Marcy Haime
Rehab Technician II

Margaret (Meg) Cassinelli Rehab Counselor II

Margaret (Meg) Cassinelli
Rehab Counselor II

Maria Socorro Cornejo Rehab Counselor I

Maria Socorro Cornejo
Rehab Counselor I

Martin Hernandez Rehab Technician II

Martin Hernandez
Rehab Technician II

Meghan Hammargren Rehab Technician II

Meghan Hammargren
Rehab Technician II

Michael Johnson Rehab Counselor I

Michael Johnson
Rehab Counselor I

Michelle Albrecht Rehab Technician II

Michelle Albrecht
Rehab Technician II

Miriam Ramirez Rehabilitation Counselor II

Miriam Ramirez
Rehabilitation Counselor II

Mixrain Solis Rehab Counselor III

Mixrain Solis
Rehab Counselor III

Paris Mason Rehab Counselor II

Paris Mason
Rehab Counselor II

Rachel Fraser  Rehab Counselor II

Rachel Fraser
Rehab Counselor II

Rachel Renaud Rehab Technician I

Rachel Renaud
Rehab Technician I

Salina Dorado Rehab Technician II

Salina Dorado
Rehab Technician II

Sandra Belardo-Rodriguez Rehab Counselor I

Sandra Belardo-Rodriguez
Rehab Counselor I

Schyler Cox Rehab Technician II

Schyler Cox
Rehab Technician II

Shannon Johnson Rehab Counselor II

Shannon Johnson
Rehab Counselor II

Stachia Estrellado Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

Stachia Estrellado
Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

Stephanie Franks Rehab Counselor III

Stephanie Franks
Rehab Counselor III

Surrey Abderrazik Rehab Counselor II

Surrey Abderrazik
Rehab Counselor II

Teresa Fansler Rehab Counselor II

Teresa Fansler
Rehab Counselor II

Terry McGinnis Rehab Technician II

Terry McGinnis
Rehab Technician II

Tina Marie Burke Rehab Technician II

Tina Marie Burke
Rehab Technician II

Tomas Cruz Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

Tomas Cruz
Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

Vivian Rosas Rehab Counselor II

Vivian Rosas
Rehab Counselor II

Wendell Myers Rehab Counselor III

Wendell Myers
Rehab Counselor III

Yanan (Nancy) Denninger Rehab Counselor III

Yanan (Nancy) Denninger
Rehab Counselor III

Jasmine Fisher Rehab Counselor II

Jasmine Fisher
Rehab Counselor II

Jessica Estores-Arroyo Rehab Technician II

Jessica Estores-Arroyo
Rehab Technician II

Sarah Dubois Rehab Counselor

Sarah Dubois
Rehab Counselor

Success Stories

Dion Williams

Dion Williams

Dion Williams has overcome significant challenges to become a successful entrepreneur through the Business Enterprises of Nevada (BEN) program. Despite losing his vision gradually with age, his determination and resilience...

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Edgar Cañas

Edgar Cañas

Edgar applied for services from VR Nevada as a student with a disability as a high schooler. Through counseling and guidance, Edgar was encouraged to finish high school and work his way from a community college graduate all...

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Guillaume Zagol

Guillaume Zagol

Congratulations to Guillaume Zagol for reaching his 10 year work anniversary at the Guadalajara Mexican restaurant in Boulder Station! Guillaume was one of the first five participants in our Pathway to Work program at...

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Success Stories

Dion Williams

Dion Williams

Dion Williams has overcome significant challenges to become a successful entrepreneur through the Business Enterprises of Nevada (BEN) program. Despite losing his vision gradually with age, his...

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