Students &

Helping students join the workforce

What do I want to do after I graduate from high school? What are my options? If you are a Nevada student with a disability asking these questions, you have come to the right place! VR Nevada can help you progress to higher education and/or employment.

Vocational Rehabilitation counselors are available to provide pre-employment assistance to students as young as age 14 in middle school and those in high schools and alternative schools in Nevada. The Pre-Employment program is completely confidential and is a team effort involving students, parents/guardians, school staff, and Vocational Rehabilitation counselors and Pre-Employment coordinators.

To get the process started, contact our Statewide Pre-Employment Coordinator, at pre-ets@detr.nv.govopens a new window.

Or, complete an online application at the link below:

Pre-Employment  Camps

The State of Nevada’s Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) offers Pre-Employment Camps designed to support youth with disabilities to progress from high school to post-secondary education and/or employment. These camps provide an interactive environment where students can explore new career paths, learn about educational opportunities, and develop a variety of essential skills to prepare them for employment. In addition to General Pre-Employment daytime and overnight camps, VR often offers specialty camps for youth who are deaf and hard of hearing, have autism or who are blind or visually impaired.

In partnership with approved providers, VR offers a tailored camp experience for students with disabilities that incorporates activities in 5 Pre-Employment areas: Job Exploration, Post Secondary Education, Workplace Readiness Training, and Self Advocacy. Each summer, multiple camps are available across various regions of Nevada. Camps are often also available during Fall, Winter, and Spring breaks, providing students with ongoing opportunities to enhance their skills throughout the year.

Smiling young people attend camp beyond the deaf home
A blue sign resembling the welcome to Nevada sign reads Nevada Trip of a lifetime. The text is inset with a colorful sunset over a mountain. The Nevada battle born crest from the state flag sits to the left.

Nevada TRIP

The Nevada Roadmap through Innovative Partnerships (Nevada TRIP) is empowering students with disabilities from elementary school through high school to enrolling in higher education, finding a job and future independence.

Learn more at nevadatrip.nv.govopens a new window

Pre-employment services for students with disabilities

VR Nevada provides FREE pre-employment services to students who are:

  • Between the ages of 14 and 21
  • Enrolled in traditional or alternative secondary or post-secondary programs
  • Eligible for special-education-related services under IDEA (e.g. have an individualized education program [IEP] or 504 plan) or are considered an individual with a disability under Section 504

    Contact our
    Statewide Pre-Employment Coordinator

    Watch the video to learn more about Pre-Employment Services for Students with Disabilities

    • Our Mission
    • Who Our Free Programs Serve
    • Who’s Eligible
    • Focus Areas

    If you’re a student or teacher in a special education program or parent with a child in special education and think these services would be helpful contact us at pre-ets@detr.nv.govopens a new window

    Through these services,
    students will:

    • Learn how to request the support and services they need
    • Learn about their rights and responsibilities
    • Identify career interests
    • Develop skills needed in today’s workforce
    • Experience hands-on learning in the workplace

    Focus areas include:

    • Instruction in self-advocacy to assist students in gaining the knowledge and skills to effectively communicate, negotiate or assert their own interests and desires
    • Job exploration counseling to help students discover their skills, abilities and interests
    • Counseling about enrollment in local community college or post-secondary education programs
    • Workplace readiness training to develop social skills, independent living and employability skills
    • Work opportunities and experiences inside or outside of the traditional school setting

    Parent and family involvement

    Studies show (PDF)opens a new window that the success of students with disabilities is greatly improved when family is involved in the development of a collaborative plan for moving to employment or higher education and living independently. Family input helps Vocational Rehabilitation staff better understand students’ needs, and advocate, assist and support the student during this important time. Positive family involvement helps these young people believe they can accomplish their goals, but also helps in specific, concrete ways, such as assisting with job transportation.

    VR Nevada encourages schools to include VR Nevada counselors in developing Individual Education Plans for students 14 and older, to give VR Nevada staff an early opportunity to initiate contact with the family.

    Each family has its own structure, roles, values, beliefs and coping styles. VR Nevada staff respects this diversity, as well as family autonomy and decision-making. Families can choose the level and nature of early contact that is comfortable for them. VR Nevada staff can also work with parents and guardians to encourage a certain amount of risk-taking to help students be as independent as possible.

    Pre-Employment Together

    The Family Navigation Network presents an 8 part series of workshops on topics of interest for families who have a youth with special healthcare needs and/or disabilities.

    Find your counselor

    Select your school from the drop down to find your counselor and technician.

    If you are seeking the counselor for a State Public Charter School not listed, please contact Mat Dorangricchia for the North & Rural and Trina Bourke for the South

    Aimee Matts Rehab Technician II

    Aimee Matts
    Rehab Technician II

    Alan Christensen Rehab Counselor III

    Alan Christensen
    Rehab Counselor III

    Alison Greathouse Rehab Counselor III

    Alison Greathouse
    Rehab Counselor III

    Amanda Hunt Rehab Technician II

    Amanda Hunt
    Rehab Technician II

    Amber Mitchell Rehab Counselor III

    Amber Mitchell
    Rehab Counselor III

    Anita Frantz Rehabilitation Counselor II

    Anita Frantz
    Rehabilitation Counselor II

    Antonina Sanders Rehab Counselor III

    Antonina Sanders
    Rehab Counselor III

    April Johnson Rehab Technician II

    April Johnson
    Rehab Technician II

    Araceli Pyper Rehab Technician II

    Araceli Pyper
    Rehab Technician II

    Araseli Jimenez Rehab Technician I

    Araseli Jimenez
    Rehab Technician I

    Ashley Deloera Rehab Counselor II

    Ashley Deloera
    Rehab Counselor II

    Bernadine Leblanc Rehab Counselor III

    Bernadine Leblanc
    Rehab Counselor III

    Brian Adragna Rehab Counselor III

    Brian Adragna
    Rehab Counselor III

    Carolyn Doan Rehab Counselor II

    Carolyn Doan
    Rehab Counselor II

    Caron Isakson Rehab Technician II

    Caron Isakson
    Rehab Technician II

    Cristina Kadir Rehabilitation Technician II

    Cristina Kadir
    Rehabilitation Technician II

    Christina Tinker Rehab Counselor II

    Christina Tinker
    Rehab Counselor II

    Corrie Herrera Rehab Technician II

    Corrie Herrera
    Rehab Technician II

    Crystal Kamber Rehab Counselor II

    Crystal Kamber
    Rehab Counselor II

    Cynthea Woodward Rehab Technician I

    Cynthea Woodward
    Rehab Technician I

    Cynthia Pate Rehab Counselor III

    Cynthia Pate
    Rehab Counselor III

    Darci Ingraham Rehab Technician II

    Darci Ingraham
    Rehab Technician II

    Deborah Gentry Rehab Counselor II

    Deborah Gentry
    Rehab Counselor II

    Doug Sinclair Rehab Counselor II

    Doug Sinclair
    Rehab Counselor II

    Gabby Villalba Rehab Technician II

    Gabby Villalba
    Rehab Technician II

    Holly TaborPre-Employment Coordinator

    Holly Tabor
    Pre-Employment Coordinator

    Irene Franco Rehab Counselor III

    Irene Franco
    Rehab Counselor III

    Jack Merrill (Jake) Rehab Counselor III

    Jack Merrill (Jake)
    Rehab Counselor III

    Jamey Sweet Rehab Technician II

    Jamey Sweet
    Rehab Technician II

    Jeffrey Feick Rehab Counselor II

    Jeffrey Feick
    Rehab Counselor II

    Jenna Varshabi Rehab Counselor III

    Jenna Varshabi
    Rehab Counselor III

    Jennifer E. Orellana Rehab Counselor II

    Jennifer E. Orellana
    Rehab Counselor II

    Jerry Leach Rehab Counselor III

    Jerry Leach
    Rehab Counselor III

    Karina Mandello Rehab Counselor III

    Karina Mandello
    Rehab Counselor III

    Kelly Gonzales Rehab Technician II

    Kelly Gonzales
    Rehab Technician II

    Krista Mack Rehab Counselor II

    Krista Mack
    Rehab Counselor II

    Kristen Goertemiller Rehab Counselor II

    Kristen Goertemiller
    Rehab Counselor II

    Kristina Forseth Rehab Technician II

    Kristina Forseth
    Rehab Technician II

    Kymorey Montgomery Rehab Technician II

    Kymorey Montgomery
    Rehab Technician II

    Kyle Vaughn Rehab Counselor II

    Kyle Vaughn
    Rehab Counselor II

    Laura Breighner Rehab Technician II

    Laura Breighner
    Rehab Technician II

    Laura “LT” Thompson Rehab Counselor III

    Laura “LT” Thompson
    Rehab Counselor III

    Lillian Waters Rehab Technician II

    Lillian Waters
    Rehab Technician II

    Madison Eppinger Rehab Technician II

    Madison Eppinger
    Rehab Technician II

    Marcy Haime Rehab Technician II

    Marcy Haime
    Rehab Technician II

    Margaret (Meg) Cassinelli Rehab Counselor II

    Margaret (Meg) Cassinelli
    Rehab Counselor II

    Maria Socorro Cornejo Rehab Counselor I

    Maria Socorro Cornejo
    Rehab Counselor I

    Martin Hernandez Rehab Technician II

    Martin Hernandez
    Rehab Technician II

    Meghan Hammargren Rehab Technician II

    Meghan Hammargren
    Rehab Technician II

    Michael Johnson Rehab Counselor I

    Michael Johnson
    Rehab Counselor I

    Michelle Albrecht Rehab Technician II

    Michelle Albrecht
    Rehab Technician II

    Miriam Ramirez Rehabilitation Counselor II

    Miriam Ramirez
    Rehabilitation Counselor II

    Mixrain Solis Rehab Counselor III

    Mixrain Solis
    Rehab Counselor III

    Paris Mason Rehab Counselor II

    Paris Mason
    Rehab Counselor II

    Rachel Fraser  Rehab Counselor II

    Rachel Fraser
    Rehab Counselor II

    Rachel Renaud Rehab Technician I

    Rachel Renaud
    Rehab Technician I

    RaeAnn Scott Rehab Technician II

    RaeAnn Scott
    Rehab Technician II

    Salina Dorado Rehab Technician II

    Salina Dorado
    Rehab Technician II

    Sandra Belardo-Rodriguez Rehab Counselor I

    Sandra Belardo-Rodriguez
    Rehab Counselor I

    Schyler Cox Rehab Technician II

    Schyler Cox
    Rehab Technician II

    Shannon Johnson Rehab Counselor II

    Shannon Johnson
    Rehab Counselor II

    Stachia Estrellado Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

    Stachia Estrellado
    Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

    Stephanie Franks Rehab Counselor III

    Stephanie Franks
    Rehab Counselor III

    Surrey Abderrazik Rehab Counselor II

    Surrey Abderrazik
    Rehab Counselor II

    Teresa Fansler Rehab Counselor II

    Teresa Fansler
    Rehab Counselor II

    Terry McGinnis Rehab Technician II

    Terry McGinnis
    Rehab Technician II

    Tina Marie Burke Rehab Technician II

    Tina Marie Burke
    Rehab Technician II

    Tomas Cruz Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

    Tomas Cruz
    Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

    Vivian Rosas Rehab Counselor II

    Vivian Rosas
    Rehab Counselor II

    Wendell Myers Rehab Counselor III

    Wendell Myers
    Rehab Counselor III

    Yanan (Nancy) Denninger Rehab Counselor III

    Yanan (Nancy) Denninger
    Rehab Counselor III

    Jasmine Fisher Rehab Counselor II

    Jasmine Fisher
    Rehab Counselor II

    Jessica Estores-Arroyo Rehab Technician II

    Jessica Estores-Arroyo
    Rehab Technician II

    Sarah Dubois Rehab Counselor

    Sarah Dubois
    Rehab Counselor

    Aimee Matts Rehab Technician II

    Aimee Matts
    Rehab Technician II

    Alan Christensen Rehab Counselor III

    Alan Christensen
    Rehab Counselor III

    Alison Greathouse Rehab Counselor III

    Alison Greathouse
    Rehab Counselor III

    Amanda Hunt Rehab Technician II

    Amanda Hunt
    Rehab Technician II

    Amber Mitchell Rehab Counselor III

    Amber Mitchell
    Rehab Counselor III

    Anita Frantz Rehabilitation Counselor II

    Anita Frantz
    Rehabilitation Counselor II

    Antonina Sanders Rehab Counselor III

    Antonina Sanders
    Rehab Counselor III

    April Johnson Rehab Technician II

    April Johnson
    Rehab Technician II

    Araceli Pyper Rehab Technician II

    Araceli Pyper
    Rehab Technician II

    Araseli Jimenez Rehab Technician I

    Araseli Jimenez
    Rehab Technician I

    Ashley Deloera Rehab Counselor II

    Ashley Deloera
    Rehab Counselor II

    Bernadine Leblanc Rehab Counselor III

    Bernadine Leblanc
    Rehab Counselor III

    Brian Adragna Rehab Counselor III

    Brian Adragna
    Rehab Counselor III

    Carolyn Doan Rehab Counselor II

    Carolyn Doan
    Rehab Counselor II

    Caron Isakson Rehab Technician II

    Caron Isakson
    Rehab Technician II

    Cristina Kadir Rehabilitation Technician II

    Cristina Kadir
    Rehabilitation Technician II

    Christina Tinker Rehab Counselor II

    Christina Tinker
    Rehab Counselor II

    Corrie Herrera Rehab Technician II

    Corrie Herrera
    Rehab Technician II

    Crystal Kamber Rehab Counselor II

    Crystal Kamber
    Rehab Counselor II

    Cynthea Woodward Rehab Technician I

    Cynthea Woodward
    Rehab Technician I

    Cynthia Pate Rehab Counselor III

    Cynthia Pate
    Rehab Counselor III

    Darci Ingraham Rehab Technician II

    Darci Ingraham
    Rehab Technician II

    Deborah Gentry Rehab Counselor II

    Deborah Gentry
    Rehab Counselor II

    Doug Sinclair Rehab Counselor II

    Doug Sinclair
    Rehab Counselor II

    Gabby Villalba Rehab Technician II

    Gabby Villalba
    Rehab Technician II

    Holly TaborPre-Employment Coordinator

    Holly Tabor
    Pre-Employment Coordinator

    Irene Franco Rehab Counselor III

    Irene Franco
    Rehab Counselor III

    Jack Merrill (Jake) Rehab Counselor III

    Jack Merrill (Jake)
    Rehab Counselor III

    Jamey Sweet Rehab Technician II

    Jamey Sweet
    Rehab Technician II

    Jeffrey Feick Rehab Counselor II

    Jeffrey Feick
    Rehab Counselor II

    Jenna Varshabi Rehab Counselor III

    Jenna Varshabi
    Rehab Counselor III

    Jennifer E. Orellana Rehab Counselor II

    Jennifer E. Orellana
    Rehab Counselor II

    Jerry Leach Rehab Counselor III

    Jerry Leach
    Rehab Counselor III

    Karina Mandello Rehab Counselor III

    Karina Mandello
    Rehab Counselor III

    Kelly Gonzales Rehab Technician II

    Kelly Gonzales
    Rehab Technician II

    Krista Mack Rehab Counselor II

    Krista Mack
    Rehab Counselor II

    Kristen Goertemiller Rehab Counselor II

    Kristen Goertemiller
    Rehab Counselor II

    Kristina Forseth Rehab Technician II

    Kristina Forseth
    Rehab Technician II

    Kymorey Montgomery Rehab Technician II

    Kymorey Montgomery
    Rehab Technician II

    Kyle Vaughn Rehab Counselor II

    Kyle Vaughn
    Rehab Counselor II

    Laura Breighner Rehab Technician II

    Laura Breighner
    Rehab Technician II

    Laura “LT” Thompson Rehab Counselor III

    Laura “LT” Thompson
    Rehab Counselor III

    Lillian Waters Rehab Technician II

    Lillian Waters
    Rehab Technician II

    Madison Eppinger Rehab Technician II

    Madison Eppinger
    Rehab Technician II

    Marcy Haime Rehab Technician II

    Marcy Haime
    Rehab Technician II

    Margaret (Meg) Cassinelli Rehab Counselor II

    Margaret (Meg) Cassinelli
    Rehab Counselor II

    Maria Socorro Cornejo Rehab Counselor I

    Maria Socorro Cornejo
    Rehab Counselor I

    Martin Hernandez Rehab Technician II

    Martin Hernandez
    Rehab Technician II

    Meghan Hammargren Rehab Technician II

    Meghan Hammargren
    Rehab Technician II

    Michael Johnson Rehab Counselor I

    Michael Johnson
    Rehab Counselor I

    Michelle Albrecht Rehab Technician II

    Michelle Albrecht
    Rehab Technician II

    Miriam Ramirez Rehabilitation Counselor II

    Miriam Ramirez
    Rehabilitation Counselor II

    Mixrain Solis Rehab Counselor III

    Mixrain Solis
    Rehab Counselor III

    Paris Mason Rehab Counselor II

    Paris Mason
    Rehab Counselor II

    Rachel Fraser  Rehab Counselor II

    Rachel Fraser
    Rehab Counselor II

    Rachel Renaud Rehab Technician I

    Rachel Renaud
    Rehab Technician I

    RaeAnn Scott Rehab Technician II

    RaeAnn Scott
    Rehab Technician II

    Salina Dorado Rehab Technician II

    Salina Dorado
    Rehab Technician II

    Sandra Belardo-Rodriguez Rehab Counselor I

    Sandra Belardo-Rodriguez
    Rehab Counselor I

    Schyler Cox Rehab Technician II

    Schyler Cox
    Rehab Technician II

    Shannon Johnson Rehab Counselor II

    Shannon Johnson
    Rehab Counselor II

    Stachia Estrellado Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

    Stachia Estrellado
    Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

    Stephanie Franks Rehab Counselor III

    Stephanie Franks
    Rehab Counselor III

    Surrey Abderrazik Rehab Counselor II

    Surrey Abderrazik
    Rehab Counselor II

    Teresa Fansler Rehab Counselor II

    Teresa Fansler
    Rehab Counselor II

    Terry McGinnis Rehab Technician II

    Terry McGinnis
    Rehab Technician II

    Tina Marie Burke Rehab Technician II

    Tina Marie Burke
    Rehab Technician II

    Tomas Cruz Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

    Tomas Cruz
    Rehab Technician III, Supervisor

    Vivian Rosas Rehab Counselor II

    Vivian Rosas
    Rehab Counselor II

    Wendell Myers Rehab Counselor III

    Wendell Myers
    Rehab Counselor III

    Yanan (Nancy) Denninger Rehab Counselor III

    Yanan (Nancy) Denninger
    Rehab Counselor III

    Jasmine Fisher Rehab Counselor II

    Jasmine Fisher
    Rehab Counselor II

    Jessica Estores-Arroyo Rehab Technician II

    Jessica Estores-Arroyo
    Rehab Technician II

    Sarah Dubois Rehab Counselor

    Sarah Dubois
    Rehab Counselor

    Contact Us